Matt and I have been in Seattle for the past 2.5 weeks. While there we were able to celebrate the marriages of Jon and Katie Chisum, and Kyle and Kelly Blair! It is so fun to have such great people get married!
While in Seattle, we found and purchased a new vehicle. One big enough for our whole family, come January. :) Turns out a Ford Ranger isn't exactly a prime family car, so we sold our ranger to Matts brother Ryan and purchased a 1996 F-250 Powerstroke crew cab instead. ***We don't have a camera currently, so perhaps when I get a new one I will post more pictures...until then....?) We were pretty excited about this because we were able to buy it with the money we got from selling the old truck and didn't have to get a loan. Mama C (Matt's Mom) helped us drive both trucks back to Colorado, which took two full days.
Yesterday we had a Dr's appointment and the baby sounded good. The heartbeat was in the 140's which the Dr. said was right where it should be for this stage. We are excited to go back two weeks from today to find out if this little one is a boy or a girl (for sure). Last ultrasound it looked like it was likely a boy, but it was too early for us to completely believe it. I'm excited to know!
Pregnancy has started to become more real in the past few weeks. My belly has started to grow and as of about 16.5 weeks, it is obvious that I am pregnant (either that or I just have a very strange shaped abdomen). I have also been able to feel this little one kicking, which is a pretty cool thing to experience!
We are excited to be back home and back to quasi-normal life. I will try to post some pictures of these exciting adventures soon!
Walmart Best Deals of the Week 3.1.25
2 days ago